Knowing how to write a summary of an article is a valuable skill for anyone looking to strengthen their reading comprehension and writing skills. A summary is a condensed version of an article which captures the main points, arguments, and conclusions. It is important for summarizing an article to be as objective as possible, keeping in mind the purpose of the summary is to provide a brief overview of the original piece.

The first step in summarizing an article is to read the piece in its entirety. It is important to understand the authors point of view and the evidence used to support their argument. After reading the article, it is time to jot down notes on the main points of the article. Make sure to include facts, arguments, and conclusions made by the author.

When writing a summary of the article, it is important to keep it concise. Try to capture the main points in around three sentences. To ensure youve accurately captured the key points, ask yourself if someone unfamiliar with the article could understand it based solely on your summary.

It is also important to make sure you dont include any personal opinion or commentary in the summary. Summaries should be void of opinion and emotion and should instead simply convey the facts presented in the original article.

Finally, make sure to include any relevant source information at the end of your summary. This includes the title of the article and the name of the author. Additionally, if you are citing your summary, it is important to include the publication date and any other relevant information.

Writing a summary of an article allows readers to quickly grasp the main points without having to read through long and detailed text. Following these tips can help you create an accurate and effective summary of an article.