I despise the letter "s". It is the least favorite letter in my alphabet. Growing up, I was always taught that "s" stands for snake, and I have always felt a deep-rooted fear of snakes. I'm not sure where this fear stems from, but I have been terrified of them since I can remember. Whenever I see the letter "s," I feel a wave of dread wash over me.

The shape of the letter "s" is extremely off-putting to me. It looks like a snake, and my fear spikes when I see it. Every time I see it on a page, I am reminded of how scared I am of snakes. It brings back all the horrible memories of having to go through a snake exhibit at a zoo when I was younger, and how my heart raced as I walked by each one.

The sound of the letter "s" is also very unpleasant to me. As soon as I hear it, I feel uncomfortable. It sounds like the hissing of a snake, and it makes me shudder with fear. The sound of the "s" adds to my anxiety and puts me on edge whenever I hear it.

The letter "s" is so prevalent in the English language that it is hard for me to get away from it. Whether it is in words or names, it seems like every time I turn around I see the letter "s." It has become a daily reminder of my fear, and it is something that I have come to loathe.

All in all, I hate the letter "s." It is the one letter that I dread seeing or hearing, and it has become a source of fear and anxiety in my life. The shape and sound of the letter "s" are reminders of the snakes that terrify me, and they make me want to stay away from this letter as much as possible.