Writing a synopsis for a novel, article, or film can be a difficult task. It is important to keep the synopsis concise and relay key information. The purpose of a synopsis is to give the reader an understanding of the story without giving away any spoilers.

When writing a synopsis, it is important to include the beginning of the story, the main plot points, and the resolution. Begin with a brief introduction that sets the scene. Include any major characters and the main conflict or challenge they face. Explain how any complications arise and how the protagonist works to resolve them. Make sure to include the climax of the story, as well as how any conflicts and challenges are resolved.

A good synopsis should be written in a clear, concise manner. It should not include any spoilers or be too lengthy. Keep the focus on key plot points in order to provide a good understanding of the story without giving away too much information.

It is also important to remember that a synopsis should not be written in first-person narrative. Instead, use third-person language to maintain objectivity. Use active verbs and avoid slang or other informal language.

Writing a synopsis can be difficult, but following these tips can help make the process easier. Take your time when writing, and remember that editing and revising is key to creating an effective synopsis. Good luck!