A research paper MLA works cited page is a list of all the sources referenced in the paper. It should be formatted according to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers and should include all sources used in the research and writing of the paper. The list should include as much information as possible on each source, and it should be alphabetically ordered.

When creating a research paper MLA works cited page, the title of the page should be Works Cited and the entries should be double-spaced. The first line of each citation should begin at the left margin, while subsequent lines should be indented one-half inch. The authors name should be inverted (last name first), followed by the title of the work and publication information (such as publisher, year of publication, and medium). When citing a website, include the URL.

In terms of formatting, citations should be written in either italics or quotation marks. If a work has more than one author, the first authors last name should be used for alphabetization purposes. When citing articles from periodicals, such as magazines or newspapers, include page numbers if available. For electronic sources, include the date you accessed the source. Finally, if a source is part of a larger work or collection, cite the larger work instead.

Creating a research paper MLA works cited page requires attention to detail. Be sure to follow the formatting guidelines provided by the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers and double-check your list for accuracy. Doing so will make sure that your final product is professional and properly referenced.