College athletes should be paid for the hard work and dedication they put into their respective sports. College athletes risk their health and well-being to play the sports they love and dedicate hours of their lives to succeed in their sport. Furthermore, college athletes are expected to dedicate their entire lives to the sport they play, compromising academics and social lives.
Athletic scholarships are a bonus for college athletes, but there should be compensation for the countless hours they dedicate to their sport. College athletes dedicate more time to their sport than most students dedicate to their studies, yet they do not receive the same payment or compensation. College athletes should be paid for their dedication, hard work, and the risks they take in order to benefit the college they play for.
College athletes are under incredible pressure from coaches, fans, and themselves. They are expected to stay in shape and maintain physical and mental health in order to perform at their best level. College athletes have to maintain a certain level of academics in order to stay eligible for their sport and also have to manage competing with other athletes for a limited number of positions. College athletes should be compensated for the stress and hard work associated with these tasks.
College sports bring a great deal of revenue to universities each year; however, this revenue is rarely shared with the athletes that made it possible. College athletes should receive a portion of the money that is generated from ticket sales, merchandise sales, and television contracts. Without the dedication and hard work of the athletes, there would be no revenue for universities and colleges.
Overall, college athletes should be paid for their hard work, dedication, and contributions to their respective colleges. College athletics have become a billion dollar business and it's only fair for the players to receive some of the money that is made from their efforts. College athletes have taken on a great amount of stress and risk in order to play the sports they love; therefore, they should receive compensation for their effort and dedication.