Abolition Geography essays towards liberation is an important collection of essays edited by Jesse Benjamin, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, and Shana L. Redmond. This collection of essays discusses the concept of abolition geography and its potential to reshape how we see and think about the world. The essays in this collection take two distinct approaches: one that looks at the history and legacy of slavery, colonialism, and imperialism and another that looks at how abolition geography can create a space for social transformation.

The essays in this collection explore the ways in which geography and its different spatialities are connected to the histories of slavery and colonialism, as well as the potential for new ways of looking at our societies that move away from these oppressive systems. They draw on a variety of disciplines such as critical race theory, post-colonial studies, and cultural studies to examine how power works in different contexts and how individuals can resist it. The authors also discuss the value of using geographical analysis to understand the dynamics of power and oppression, as well as how to use geography as an agent of change.

These essays not only provide an essential theoretical foundation for understanding abolition geography but also offer practical examples of how it can be applied. One essay looks at how abolition geography can be used to map out landscapes that can support collective struggles against racism, while another examines how it can be used to disrupt the expansion of prisons and the carceral state. Still other essays discuss the potential of Community Land Trusts and other forms of cooperative land ownership to build liberatory spaces.

In addition to providing an important theoretical foundation for understanding abolition geography, this collection also offers a way forward into action. It provides valuable insight into how abolition geography can be used to challenge oppressive systems and build new, liberatory spaces. In doing so, this collection of essays contributes to ongoing efforts to transform geographical practices, knowledge, and institutions that have been shaped by the legacies of colonialism and imperialism.